Find Christchurch NZ

Eat & Drink

841 results
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  1. 301

    Georgio’s Café

    Enterprise Business Park, Unit 8, 65 Epsom Road

  2. 302

    Get Baked Cafe

    Shop 3, 303 Colombo Street, Sydenham

  3. 303

    Glamour Cake

    Lyttelton Bakery, 8 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton

  4. 304

    Glenbyre Tavern

    111 Keighleys Road, Bromley

  5. 305

    Gloria Jeans Barrington

    Barrington Mall, Barrington Street, Spreydon

  6. 306

    Gloria Jeans Northlands

    Northlands Mall, Main North Road, Papanui

  7. 307

    Gloria Jeans Riccarton

    Westfield Riccarton, Rotheram St, Riccarton

  8. 308

    Go nuts on Donuts

    7 Witham Street, Hornby

  9. 309

    Godley Cafe

    2E Waipapa Avenue, Diamond Harbour

  10. 310

    Gong Cha

    116 Riccarton Road, Riccarton

  11. 311

    Good Habit Cafe

    319 St Asaph Street, Central City

  12. 312

    Good Honest Products Bakery

    9 Michelle Road, Middleton

  13. 313


    The Welder, 20 Welles Street, Central City

  14. 314

    Grab and Fly Christchurch Airport

    Level One, International Departures, Christchurch International Airport

  15. 315

    Grand Prix Cafe

    Unit 8, 65 Epsom Rd, Sockburn

  16. 316

    Grater Goods

    105 Orbell Street, Sydenham

  17. 317

    GRE3N Superfood & Juice Bar

    181 High Street, Central City

  18. 318

    GRE3N Superfood & Juice Bar - Barrington

    Barrington Mall, 256 Barrington Street, Barrington

  19. 319

    GRE3N Superfood & Juice Bar - The Crossing

    Shop A1.03, The Crossing, Unit 119/166 Cashel Street, Central City

  20. 320

    Gre3n Superfood Ferrymead

    987 Ferry Road, Ferrymead

  21. 321

    Greenroots Juicery - The Welder

    20-26 Welles Street, Central City

  22. 322

    Grizzly Baked Goods - The Welder

    20-26 Welles Street, Central City

  23. 323

    Ground Floor Cafe

    47 Riccarton Road, Riccarton

  24. 324

    Guruji Indian Supermarket - Central City

    12 Bath St, Central City

  25. 325

    Guruji Indian Supermarket - Sydenham

    1/103 Gasson St, Central City

  26. 326

    Gusto Restaurant & Bar

    175 Roydvale Ave, Burnside (opposite Pirate Mini Golf)

  27. 327

    Hangi Heaven Ferry Road

    348 Ferry Road, Waltham

  28. 328

    Hangi Heaven New Brighton

    121 New Brighton Mall, New Brighton

  29. 329

    HarBar Beachfront Cafe

    83 Rue Jolie, Akaroa

  30. 330

    Harbour Co-op

    12 London Street, Lyttelton

  31. 331

    Harbour House

    79 Main Road, Govenor's Bay

  32. 332

    Harvard Bar & Cafe

    14 Henry Wigram Drive, Wigram

  33. 333

    Haus Espresso

    166 Moorhouse Ave, Central City

  34. 334

    Hazeldean Foodbar

    Corner or Antigua Street and Hazeldean Road, Addington

  35. 335

    He Puna Taimoana - New Brighton Hot Pools

    New Brighton Sea Front, New Brighton

  36. 336

    Head Office Cafe

    49 Sir William Pickering Drive, Burnside

  37. 337

    Healthy Habits Christchurch Airport

    Level One, Christchurch International Airport

  38. 338

    Heart & Soul Kitchen

    204 Waltham Road, Sydenham

  39. 339

    Heirloom Cafe

    The Colombo, 11/359 Colombo Street, Sydenham

  40. 340

    Hell Pizza Wigram Skies

    67 The Runway, Wigram Skies

  41. 341

    Hello Sunday

    6 Elgin Street, Sydenham

  42. 342

    Hillsborough Cafe

    37 Chapmans Road, Hillsborough

  43. 343

    Hillyers Eastgate

    Eastgate Mall, Cnr Buckley's Road and Linwood Avenue, Linwood

  44. 344

    Holy Fudge

    Merivale Mall, 189 Papanui Road, Merivale

  45. 345

    Holy Smoke Deli

    650 Ferry Road, Woolston

  46. 346

    Honest Cafe

    PWC Centre, 60 Cashel Street, Central City

  47. 347

    Honey Cafe

    89 New Brighton Mall, New Brighton

  48. 348

    Hope River Pies

    10a Norwich Quay, Lyttelton (behind the fish'n'chip shop)

  49. 349

    Hoyts Cinema - Central (EntX)

    617 Colombo Street, Central City

  50. 350

    Hunger & Thirst Mobile Cafe

    Various (check Facebook page), Avondale/New Brighton

  51. 351

    I Spy Food and Coffee

    78 Barrington Street, Spreydon

  52. 352

    Il Magro Espresso Bar

    29-31 Main North Road (Behind Rare Fare), Papanui

  53. 353

    ilex Cafe

    Christchurch Botanic Gardens, Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  54. 354

    Illy Espresso Bar

    Upper Level, Westfield Riccarton Mall, Riccarton

  55. 355

    Illy Espresso Bar - Northlands

    Main North Road, Northlands, Papanui

  56. 356

    In Situ Cafe

    239 Opawa Road, Hillsborough

  57. 357

    Industrie Espresso Bar at Switch Espresso Roastery

    25 Birmingham Drive, Middleton

  58. 358

    It's All Greek To Me

    7a Shakespeare Road, Waltham

  59. 359

    J'aime les Macarons

    Merivale Mall, 189 Papanui Road, Merivale

  60. 360


    33 Lichfield Street, Central City

  61. 361

    Jamaica Blue - Northlands

    Main North Road, Papanui

  62. 362

    Jamaica Blue - Riccarton

    Westfield Riccarton Mall, 129 Riccarton Mall

  63. 363

    Jimmy's SmokeHouse

    95 Oxford Terrace, Central City

  64. 364

    Joe's Garage - Cranford Park

    1/478 Cranford Park, Cranford Street, Papanui

  65. 365

    Joe's Garage - Riccarton

    7 Leslie Street, Upper Riccarton

  66. 366

    Joe's Garage - Sumner

    19 Marriner St, Sumner

  67. 367

    Joe's Garage - Wigram

    Cnr Corsair Drive and The Ruway, Wigram

  68. 368

    Joes Garage - EntX

    Hoyts EntX, 617-649 Colombo Street, Central City

  69. 369

    Jungle Cafe

    Cnr Broadpark & Beach Roads, North Beach

  70. 370

    Just Desserts Cafe

    33 Wordsworth Street, Sydenham

  71. 371

    Kai Means Food Cafe

    181 Woodham Road, Linwood

  72. 372


    2 Oxford Terrace, Central City

  73. 373

    Karma Free Cafe

    Shop 8, Surfside Mall, 68 Brighton Mall, New Brighton

  74. 374

    Kea Coffee Cafe Cart

    Margaret Mahy Playground, Cnr Manchester & Armagh Streets, Central City

  75. 375

    Kelly's Pantry

    82A Wainoni Road, Wainoni.

  76. 376

    Kens Cafe

    13A Bishopdale Court, Bishopdale

  77. 377

    Kin - Ballantynes

    663 Colombo Street, Central City

  78. 378


    109A Seaview Road, New Brighton

  79. 379

    KOSCO Blenheim Rd

    227 Blenheim Road, Riccarton

  80. 380

    Kosco Colombo Street

    Corner of Lichfield & Colombo streets, Central City

  81. 381

    KOSCO Ilam

    209 Waimairi Road, Ilam

  82. 382

    KOSCO Papanui

    23 Langdons Road, Papanui

  83. 383

    KOSCO Riccarton

    92A Riccarton Road, Riccarton

  84. 384

    KOSCO Shirley

    Homebase, 201 Marshland Road, Shirley  

  85. 385

    Kosco Sydenham

    290 Colombo Street, Sydenham

  86. 386

    KOSCO Wholesale

    37 Kingsley Street, Sydenham

  87. 387

    Kwik-Kiwi Diner

    35 Parkhouse Road, Wigram

  88. 388

    L 4 Lunch

    85 Moorhouse Avenue, Addington

  89. 389

    La Bonbonnerie

    53 Beach Road, Akaroa

  90. 390

    La La Land Chocolate Garden Cafe

    The Tannery, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston

  91. 391

    Lana Crepes & Waffles

    129 Riccarton Road, Westfield Mall, Riccarton

  92. 392

    Land of the Long White Cloud

    26a Marriner Street, Sumner

  93. 393

    Landing Zone Cafe & Gelato

    1005 Ferry Road, Ferrymead

  94. 394

    Laneway Espresso Cafe

    329 Durham Street North, Central City (near The Commons)

  95. 395

    Lazeez Mediterranean Grill

    114 Marshlands Road, Shirley

  96. 396

    LB & Co Espresso - Bar & Cafe

    Cnr Creyke & Ilam Roads (136 Ilam Road), Ilam

  97. 397

    LeBakermen Cafe & Bakery

    187 Wigram Road, Halswell

  98. 398

    Leinster Eatery

    158 Leinster Road, Merivale

  99. 399

    Lemon Tree Cafe

    234 St Asaph Street, Central City

  100. 400

    Leo's Cafe

    145 Madras Street, Central City

  101. 401

    Level One Craft Beer & Coffee Bar & Venue

    1/217 Marine Parade, New Brighton

  102. 402

    Liberty Market

    Corner of Moorhouse & Fitzgerald Ave, Waltham

  103. 403

    Lil Ruby's Cafe

    71 Lichfield Street, (opposite Bus Interchange), Central City

  104. 404

    Links Cafe & Functions

    45 Horseshoe Lake Road, Shirley

  105. 405

    Little Brown Jug

    290 Wairakei Road, Bryndwr

  106. 406

    Little Dispatch Pop-Up Cafe

    BNZ Centre, Hereford Street, Central City

  107. 407

    Little High Eatery

    181 High Street, Central City

  108. 408

    Little Merchants Coffee Shop

    18 Bernard Street, Addington

  109. 409

    Little Pom's Cafe

    295 Kilmore Street, Central City

  110. 410

    Little River Cafe and Store

    Main Rd, State Highway 75, Little River

  111. 411

    Little Sister Cafe

    670 Main South Road, Islington

  112. 412

    Little Vintage Espresso

    20 Markham Street, Amberley

  113. 413

    Local Cafe - Riccarton House

    16 Kahu Road, Riccarton

  114. 414

    London Canteen

    92 Stourbridge Street, Barrington

  115. 415

    Long White Cafe

    International Arrivals, Christchurch Airport

  116. 416

    Lot 55 - Horncastle Arena

    Horncastle Arena, 55 Jack Hinton Drive, Addington

  117. 417

    Luciano Espresso Bar

    76 Moorhouse Avenue, Central City

  118. 418

    Lucky Duck Kiosk

    Botanic Gardens, Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  119. 419

    Lux Espresso

    66 Gloucester Street, Central City

  120. 420

    Lyttelton Bakery & Cafe

    8 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton

  121. 421

    Lyttelton Coffee Company

    29 London Street, Lyttelton

  122. 422

    Lyttelton Records Events & Cafe

    650 Ferry Road, Woolston

  123. 423

    MacKenzies Hotel

    51 Pages Road, Linwood

  124. 424

    Mad'z Drink & Dine

    15 Main North Road, Papanui

  125. 425

    Made Espresso Bar

    56 Cashel Street, Central City

  126. 426

    Madras Market - Food court

    139 Madras Street, Central City

  127. 427

    Magnitude Cafe & Roastery

    Cnr Tuam & Barbadoes Streets, Central City

  128. 428

    Magnolia Electric Cakes

    355 Riccarton Road, Upper Riccarton

  129. 429

    Maihan Middle Eastern Supermarket

    303 Colombo Street, Sydenham

  130. 430

    Majestic at Mayfair

    155 Victoria Street, Christchurch Central City

  131. 431

    Majestic Tea Bar - BNZ Centre at Five Lanes

    BNZ Centre, City Mall, Central City

  132. 432

    Mama Bear Cafe

    9 Ash Street, Central City

  133. 433

    Mandeville Coffee Shop

    25 Mandeville Street, Riccarton

  134. 434

    Marcel's Picnic

     78 Hawdon St, Sydenham

  135. 435

    Maria's Bakery

    619 Ferry Road, Woolston

  136. 436

    Market Place Restaurant and Bar

    764 Colombo Street, Central City

  137. 437

    Master Seafood

    344 Ferry Road, Waltham

  138. 438

    Mayfair Luxury Hotel

    155 Victoria Street, Central City

  139. 439

    Mediterranean Food Company

    322 Tuam Street, Central City

  140. 440

    Meet Fresh

    100 Riccarton Road, Riccarton

  141. 441

    Merivale Gourmet Seafood

    233 Papanui Road, Merivale

  142. 442

    Meshino - Wigram

    Unit 1, Stark Drive, Wigram

  143. 443

    Meshino Cafe - Bistro

    75 Rutland Street, St Albans

  144. 444

    Metromart Addington

    1/342 Lincoln Road, Addington

  145. 445

    Metromart City Mall

    Re:START, Central City

  146. 446

    Metromart Colombo St

    663 Colombo Street, Central City

  147. 447

    Mexicali Fresh - Riccarton

    5/87 Riccarton Road, Riccarton  

  148. 448


    249a Stanmore Road, Richmond

  149. 449

    Michael's Espresso

    408 Innes Road, Mairehau

  150. 450

    Milieu Cafe

    112 Wrights Road, Addington