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The Green Lab- Kotahitanga

The Green Lab creates urban green spaces where communities can gather and connect. We are an Ōtautahi Christchurch based charitable trust that focuses on the central city or regenerating residential communities.

A community gathering space which opened 25th of March 2018, and was designed and created in collaboration with the Phillipstown Community Hub. Named by the community who it was built for and with, Kotahitanga means togetherness, unity, solidarity, collective action. It was designed to be a space which reflects its name, offering facilities for cooking and sharing kai (food), performances, workshops, and meetings.

Both the design and construction of Kotahitanga were made possible through the generous donation of both people’s time and construction materials. The support from the Phillipstown Hub, the Christchurch City Council and the generous contributions of local businesses was been invaluable to the success and scope of this project. To all the volunteers, sponsors and supporters.

39 Nursery Road, Philipstown

Last updated: 05.09.2019