Find Christchurch NZ


84 results

  1. 1

    Akaroa Shops

    Beach Road - Rue Lavard, Akaroa

  2. 2

    ANZ Centre

    Junction of Colombo, High and Cashel Streets, Central City

  3. 3

    Avonhead Countdown

    Avonhead Shopping Centre, Corner Withells Road & Merrin Street, Avonhead

  4. 4

    Avonhead Shopping Centre

    Corner of Withells Road and Merrin Street, Avonhead

  5. 5

    Beckenham Shops

    Colombo Street, Beckenham

  6. 6

    Belfast Woolworths

    Northwood Supa Centre, 1 Radcliffe Rd, Belfast

  7. 7

    Bishopdale Shopping Centre

    Harewood Road/ Farrington Avenue, Bishopdale

  8. 8

    BOXed Quarter

    St Asaph St, Central City

  9. 9

    Cashel Square - BNZ Centre at Five Lanes

    Entry off Colombo St, Hereford St or City Mall, Central City

  10. 10

    Cathedral Junction

    Gloucester St through to Worcester St, Central City

  11. 11

    Christchurch Airport Countdown

    Spitfire Square, 530 - 546A Memorial Avenue, Burnside

  12. 12

    Christchurch Night Market

    The Hub, 418 Main South Road, Hornby

  13. 13

    Church Corner Shopping Centre

    Riccarton Road, Upper Riccarton

  14. 14

    Church Corner Woolworths

    Corner or Riccarton Road and Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton

  15. 15

    Countdown Bush Inn

    Bush Inn Mall, Waimairi Road

  16. 16

    Eastgate Countdown

    Eastgate Mall, Corner Linwood Ave & Buckleys Road, Linwood

  17. 17

    Edgeware Road Shopping Centre

    Edgeware Road, Edgeware

  18. 18

    Edgeware Village

    Cnr Colombo & Edgeware Roads, Edgeware

  19. 19

    Fendalton Village Shopping Centre

    Memorial Avenue, Fendalton

  20. 20

    Ferrymead Countdown

    999 Ferry Road, Ferrymead

  21. 21

    Ferrymead Shopping Centres

    Ferry Road, Ferrymead

  22. 22

    Four Square Akaroa

    72 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa

  23. 23

    Four Square Redcliffs

    188 Main Road, Redcliffs

  24. 24

    Fresh Choice Barrington

    Barrington Shopping Centre, Barrington Street

  25. 25

    Fresh Choice City Market

    71 Lichfield Street, next to the Crossing Carpark (opposite Bus Interchange)

  26. 26

    Fresh Choice Merivale

    189 Papanui Road, Merivale

  27. 27

    Fresh Choice Parklands

    60 Queenspark Drive, Parklands

  28. 28

    Guthrey Centre

    126 Cashel Street, Central City

  29. 29

    Halswell Shopping Centre

    Halswell Road, Halswell

  30. 30

    Hornby Woolworths

    17 Chappie Place, Hornby

  31. 31

    Ilam Shopping Centre

    Cnr Ilam Road & Clyde Road

  32. 32

    Kosco Colombo Street

    Corner of Lichfield & Colombo streets, Central City

  33. 33

    Kosco Sydenham

    290 Colombo Street, Sydenham

  34. 34

    Lyttelton Shops

    London Street, Lyttelton

  35. 35

    MEFCO - Mediterranean Food Compay

    125 Main South Road, Sockburn

  36. 36

    Moorhouse Ave Countdown

    Corner Moorhouse Avenue & Madras Street, Central City

  37. 37

    New Brighton Countdown

    91 Brighton Mall, New Brighton

  38. 38

    New Brighton Shopping Centre

    Brighton Mall, New Brighton

  39. 39

    New Regent Street

    New Regent Street, Central City

  40. 40

    New World Bishopdale

    Bishopdale Mall, Corner of Farrington Ave & Harewood Road, Bishopdale

  41. 41

    New World Durham Street

    175 Durham Street South, Central City

  42. 42

    New World Fendalton

    19-23 Memorial Ave, Fendalton

  43. 43

    New World Halswell

    346 Halswell Road, Halswell

  44. 44

    New World Ilam

    47C - 57C Peer Street, Ilam

  45. 45

    New World Lincoln

    77 Gerald Street, Lincoln

  46. 46

    New World Northwood

    2 Mounter Ave, Northwood

  47. 47

    New World Rolleston

    92 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston

  48. 48

    New World St Martins

    92 Wilsons Road, St Martins

  49. 49

    New World Stanmore

    300 Stanmore Road, Richmond

  50. 50

    New World Supermarket - Prestons

    420 Marshlands Road, entrance off Prestons Road, Marshlands,

  51. 51

    New World Wigram

    The Landing, 51 Skyhawk Road, Wigram

  52. 52

    New World Woolston

    7-11 St Johns Street, Woolston

  53. 53

    Northlands Countdown

    Northlands Mall, 85 Main North Road, Papanui

  54. 54

    Northlink Shopping Centre

    100/148 Langdons Road, Northcote

  55. 55

    Northwood Supa Centre

    Main North Road, Belfast

  56. 56

    Pak'n Save Hornby

    The Hub Hornby, Main South Road, Hornby

  57. 57

    Pak'n Save Moorhouse

    297 Moorhouse Avenue, Central City

  58. 58

    Pak'n Save Northlands

    Northlands Mall, Main North Road, Papanui

  59. 59

    Pak'n Save Riccarton

    Westfield Riccarton, Riccarton Road

  60. 60

    Pak'n Save Wainoni

    174 Wainoni Road, Wainoni

  61. 61

    Parklands Shopping Centre

    Cnr Chadbury and Queenspark Drive, Parklands,

  62. 62

    Riverside Market

    Corner of Oxford Terrace and Cashel Street, Central City

  63. 63

    Stanmore Road Shopping Centre

    Stanmore Road, Linwood

  64. 64

    Sumner Shopping Centre

    Wakefield Avenue, Sumner

  65. 65

    SuperValue Edgeware

    61 Edgeware Road, Edgeware

  66. 66

    SuperValue Fendalton

    Corner Ilam Road & Clyde Road, Fendalton

  67. 67

    SuperValue Lincoln Road

    108 Lincoln Road, Spreydon

  68. 68

    SuperValue Lyttelton

    17 London Street, Lyttelton

  69. 69

    SuperValue Sumner

    Nayland Street, Sumner Village Mall, Sumner

  70. 70

    Symrose's SuperFresh City

    65 Victoria Street, Central City

  71. 71

    Symrose's SuperFresh Ilam

    136 Ilam Road, Ilam

  72. 72

    The Colombo Shopping Centre

    363 Colombo Street, Sydenham

  73. 73

    The Crossing

    166 Cashel Street, Central City

  74. 74

    The Landing

    The Runway, Wigram Skies, Wigram

  75. 75

    The Palms Woolworths

    The Palms Mall, Corner Marshlands & New Brighton Roads, Shirley

  76. 76

    The SALT District

    Based within St Asaph, Lichfield & Tuam Streets, Central City

  77. 77

    The Tannery Boutique Retail & Arts Emporium

    3 Garlands Road, Woolston

  78. 78

    The Welder

    20-26 Welles Street, Central City

  79. 79

    The Windmill Centre

    Cnr Clarence Street & Riccarton Road, Riccarton

  80. 80

    Tower Junction Shopping Centre

    Whiteleigh Ave and Blenheim Road, Riccarton

  81. 81

    Victoria Street Retail Precinct

    Victoria Street, Central City

  82. 82

    Waipapa Cafe & Retail Store - Public Hospital

    4 Riccarton Ave, Central City

  83. 83

    Woolston Shops

    Ferry Road, Woolston

  84. 84

    Woolworths Colombo Street

    219 Colombo Street, Beckenham