Find Christchurch NZ


615 results
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  1. 301

    Living Waters Christian Centre

    13 Meeking Place, Halswell

  2. 302

    Lodge Tavern

    110 Marshlands Road, Shirley

  3. 303

    Lumière Arthouse Cinema

    26 Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  4. 304

    Lyttelton Arts Factory (LAF)

    Corner of Oxford & London Sts, Lyttelton

  5. 305

    Lyttelton Historic Area


  6. 306

    Lyttelton Kayaks

    Cass Bay (no office)

  7. 307

    Lyttelton Norman Kirk Memorial Pool

    54 Oxford Street, Lyttelton

  8. 308

    Lyttelton Records Events & Cafe

    650 Ferry Road, Woolston

  9. 309

    Lyttelton Recreation Centre

    25 Winchester Street, Lyttelton

  10. 310

    MacKenzies Hotel

    51 Pages Road, Linwood

  11. 311

    Magistrates Court

    Armagh Street, Central City

  12. 312

    Magnetic Observatory - Antarctic

    Botanic Gardens, Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  13. 313

    Maison de Crepes Restaurant & Wine Lounge

    106 Papanui Road, Merivale

  14. 314

    Maize Maze

    286 Marshs Road, Prebbleton

  15. 315

    Majestic Church

    189 Durham Street South, Central City

  16. 316

    Margaret Mahy Family Playground

    Corner of Manchester & Armagh sts, Central City

  17. 317

    Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre

    37 Nayland Street, Sumner

  18. 318


    319 Stanmore Road, Richmond

  19. 319

    Mega Air Trampoline Arena

    106 Carmen Road, Hornby

  20. 320

    Metro Gold & Academy Cinema

    The Colombo, Colombo Street, Sydenham

  21. 321

    Mike Pero's Motorcycle Gallery

    1 Hawthornden Rd, Avonhead

  22. 322

    Mirror Pillars Artwork

    136 Shaw Ave, New Brighton

  23. 323

    Mona Vale Gardens

    40 Mona Vale Avenue, Fendalton

  24. 324

    Mona Vale Homestead & Gardens Venue

    40 Mona Vale Avenue, Fendalton

  25. 325

    Monsters and Zombies indoor mini golf

    50 Ferrymead Park Drive, Ferrymead

  26. 326

    Moorhouse Statue

    Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  27. 327

    Mount Hutt Ski Field

    Refer website, (getting there) map

  28. 328

    Mountain Bike Adventure Company

    Unit 11, 68 Waltham Road, Sydenham   

  29. 329

    Mt Cheeseman Ski Area

    Mt Cheeseman, State Highway 73, (2km past Castle Hill Village), Canterbury  

  30. 330

    Mt Pleasant Community Centre

    3 McCormacks Bay Road, Mt Pleasant

  31. 331

    Muslim Association of Canterbury Inc (MAC) Al-Nur Mosque

    101 Deans Avenue, Riccarton

  32. 332

    My First Gym - Active Kids

    Ferry Road, Ferrymead

  33. 333

    New Brighton Club

    202 Marine Parade, New Brighton

  34. 334

    New Brighton Pier

    Marine Parade, New Brighton

  35. 335

    New City Hotel

    527 Colombo Street, Central City

  36. 336

    New Library Christmas hoarding

    Cathedral Square, Central City

  37. 337

    New Regent Street

    New Regent Street, Central City

  38. 338

    New Zealand Church Missionary Society

    78 Peterborough Street, Central City

  39. 339

    New Zealand Fine Prints

    139 Hackthorne Road, Cashmere

  40. 340

    Ng Building

    212 Madras Street, Central City

  41. 341

    Ngā Hau e Whā National Marae

    250 Pages Road, Aranui

  42. 342

    Nimbus Paragliding Ltd

    25b Lower Sumnervale Drive, Sumner               

  43. 343

    NMG Gallery

    Cnr Montreal & Hereford Streets, Central City

  44. 344

    No.186 Cafe

    186 Yaldhurst Road, Sockburn

  45. 345

    North Avon Baptist Church

    103 North Avon Road, Richmond

  46. 346

    North New Brighton Community Centre

    93 Marine Parade,New Brighton

  47. 347


    95a Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui                                      

  48. 348

    Novotel Hotel

    50 Cathedral Square, Central City

  49. 349

    Nuclear Free NZ Peace Memorial Parkbench

    Christchurch Botanic Gardens, Central City

  50. 350

    Number 1 Park Terrace - Antarctic

    1 Park Terrace, Central City

  51. 351

    Nurses’ Memorial Chapel

    Riccarton Avenue, Central City

  52. 352

    NZ Museum of Toys & Collectibles

    36 Manchester Street, Central City

  53. 353

    Oasis Baptist Community Church

    Cnr Waterloo Road & Gilberthorpes Road, Hei Hei

  54. 354

    Okains Bay Maori and Colonial Museum

    Okains Bay Road, Okains Bay

  55. 355

    On the tile at the Tannery

    3 Garlands Road, Woolston

  56. 356

    On Your Bike Hire

    810 McLeans Island Road, McLeans Island

  57. 357

    Onuku Marae

    389 Onuku Road, Onuku

  58. 358

    Opawa Baptist Community Church

    285 Wilsons Road, Opawa                                                                       

  59. 359

    Opawa Bowl & Jack TAB

    15 Opawa Road, Waltham

  60. 360

    Opawa Community Church

    158 Opawa Road, Hillsborough

  61. 361

    Opening 2022: Boutique Arts Hotel

    Arts Centre, Worcester Boulevard, central City

  62. 362

    Opening late 2023: Matatiki Hornby Centre

    Waterloo Road. Hornby

  63. 363

    Opening March 2020: Metro Sports Facility

    Tuam Street, Central City

  64. 364

    Opening Soon: Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum

    London Street, Lyttelton

  65. 365

    Opening Soon: The Grand, Cathedral Square

    Cathedral Square, Central City

  66. 366

    Orana Wildlife Park

    McLeans Island Road, Harewood

  67. 367

    Orange Studios & Saxy Time Bar

    3/1063 Ferry Road, Woolston

  68. 368

    Otakaro's Otautahi: An Origin Story

    Convention Centre site, Worcester and Colombo streets, Central City

  69. 369

    Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Hoon Hay

    170 Hoon Hay Road, Hoon Hay

  70. 370

    Our Lady Star of the Sea Church

    Corner Nayland and Hardwicke Street, Sumner

  71. 371

    Oxford Terrace Baptist Church

    288 Oxford Tce, Central City

  72. 372

    Paddy McNaughton's Old Ale House

    217 Manchester Street, Central City

  73. 373

    Papanui Club

    302 Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui

  74. 374


    78a St David Street, Lyttelton

  75. 375

    Parklands Baptist Community Church

    180 Queenspark Drive, Queenspark

  76. 376

    Parkview Community Lounge

    75 Queenspark Drive, Parklands

  77. 377

    Peace Bell

    Botanic Gardens, Central City

  78. 378

    Peace Pole & Friendship Corner

    Oxford Terrace, Central City

  79. 379

    Peacock Fountain

    Botanic Gardens near Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  80. 380

    Peppers Clearwater Resort

    Clearwater Avenue, Harewood

  81. 381

    PG gallery192

    192 Bealey Avenue, Central City

  82. 382

    Poplar Trees

    Oxford Terrace & Cambridge Terrace, Central City

  83. 383

    Port Hills Uniting Parish Church

    4 Augusta Street, Sumner

  84. 384

    Porters Ski Area

    Porters Ski Area, State Highway 73, Porters Pass, Canterbury

  85. 385

    Prison Escape

    85 Armagh Street, Central City

  86. 386

    Protocol Restaurant, Bar & Function Rooms

    2 Colombo Street, Cashmere

  87. 387

    Pumanawa Gallery

    Christchurch Arts Centre, 2 Worcester Boulevard, Central City

  88. 388

    Punting on the Avon

    Antigua Boat Sheds, 2 Cambridge Terrace, Central City

  89. 389

    Purple Plum Tree

    Cambridge Terrace, Central City

  90. 390

    Qb Studios and Art Gallery

    18 Bernard Street, Addington

  91. 391

    Quake City

    299 Durham St North, Central City

  92. 392

    Quake City - Kiwiable

    299 Durham Street North, Central City

  93. 393

    Quakers Religious Society Of Friends

    44 Bealey Ave, St Albans

  94. 394

    Queen Victoria Statue

    Victoria Square, Central City

  95. 395

    Racecourse Riccarton

    118 Racecourse Road, Riccarton

  96. 396

    Rail Trail at Kaituna Quarry Reserve

    State Highway 75, Kaituna Quarry Reserve

  97. 397

    Rāpaki Marae

    Rapaki Drive, Lyttelton Harbour (turn off from Governor’s Bay–Lyttelton Harbour Road)

  98. 398

    Reading Cinemas The Palms

    Cnr Marshlands Road and New Brighton Road, Shirley

  99. 399

    Reading Room Oversized Seats & Sofa

    Corner of Kilmore & Barbadoes streets, Central City

  100. 400

    Redcliffs Village Public Library Inc.

    91 Main Road, Redcliffs

  101. 401

    Redwood Hotel

    340 Main North Road, Redwood

  102. 402

    Reformed Church

    63 Cornwall Street Edgeware

  103. 403

    Rēhua Marae

    79 Springfield Road, St Albans

  104. 404

    Repertory Theatre

    31 Aikmans Road, Merivale

  105. 405

    Revival Fellowship

    10 Bishopdale Court, Bishopdale Mall, Bishopdale

  106. 406

    Rhododendron Island

    Avon River, Central City

  107. 407

    Riccarton Baptist Church

    80 Rattray Street, Riccarton

  108. 408

    Riccarton Bush

    16 Kahu Road, Riccarton

  109. 409

    Riccarton Community Centre

    199 Clarence Street, Riccarton

  110. 410

    Riccarton Community Church

    44 (office) & 48 (church) Elizabeth Street, Riccarton

  111. 411

    Riccarton House

    16 Kahu Road, Riccarton

  112. 412

    Riccarton Park and Function Centre

    165 Racecourse Road, Upper Riccarton

  113. 413

    Riccarton Park and Racecourse

    165 Racecourse Road, Sockburn

  114. 414

    Riccarton Players

    Performances at Christchurch South Intermerdiate School, 204 Selwyn Street, Spreydon

  115. 415

    Richmond Methodist Church

    315 Stanmore Road, Richmond

  116. 416

    Richmond Neighbourhood Cottage

    Corner London Street and Pavitt Street, Richmond

  117. 417

    Richmond Workingmen's Club - The Critic Sports Bar

    75 London Street, Richmond

  118. 418

    Richmond Workingmen's Club - The Taproom

    75 London Street, Richmond

  119. 419

    Roaming Guides

  120. 420

    Robert McDougall Gallery

    Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  121. 421

    Rolleston Statue

    Rolleston Avenue, Central City

  122. 422

    Romanian Orthodox Church

    40 Phillips Street, Phillipstown

  123. 423

    Rosary House Spiritual Life Centre

    15 Dublin Street, Central City

  124. 424

    Rose and Thistle

    24A Main North Road, Papanui

  125. 425

    Rotary Plaque

    Botanic Gardens, Central City

  126. 426

    Rowley Avenue Bible Chapel

    26 Rowley Avenue, Hoon Hay

  127. 427

    Ruth Killoran Art Studio & Gallery

    19 Heybridge Lane, Hillsborough

  128. 428

    Rutherford's Den

    Arts Centre, Worcester Boulevard, Central City

  129. 429

    Rutland Street Church

    12 Rutland Street, St Albans

  130. 430

    Sacred Heart

    70 Spencer Street, Addington

  131. 431

    Sandridge Hotel

    30 Huxley St, Sydenham

  132. 432

    Scarborough Paddling Pool

    Cnr The Esplanade & Heberden Ave, Scarborough

  133. 433

    Science Alive!

    22 Coleridge Street, Sydenham

  134. 434

    Scoff & Quaff Tours

  135. 435

    Serve Ping Pong Club

    166 St Asaph Street, Central City

  136. 436

    Seventh-Day Adventist Church

    Cnr Pages Road & Rowan Avenue, Aranui

  137. 437

    Seventh-Day Adventist Church

    587 Madras Street, St Albans

  138. 438

    Seventh-day Adventist Church, Papanui

    15 Grants Road, Papanui

  139. 439

    Shackleton’s Oak - Antarctic

    90 Ensors Road, Linwood

  140. 440

    Showbiz Christchurch (Christchurch Operatic Society)

    11 Balfour Terrace, Central City

  141. 441

    Sign of Kiwi

    1700 Summit Road, Port Hills

  142. 442

    Sign of the Takahe

    200 Hackthorne Road, Cashmere

  143. 443

    Silky Otter Cinemas

    90 The Runway, The Landing, Wigram

  144. 444

    South City C3

    510 Colombo Street, Central City

  145. 445

    South Island Moon Festival locations

  146. 446

    South New Brighton Community Centre

    74 Beatty Street, South New Brighton

  147. 447

    South New Brighton Community Centre

    74 Beatty Street, South New Brighton

  148. 448

    Southern DC 3 Adventure Flights

    23 Sir William Pickering Drive, Burnside

  149. 449

    Southern Wanderer Scenic Cruises - Akaroa

    Main Wharf, Beach Road, Akaroa

  150. 450

    Space Academy

    371 St Asaph Street, Central City